Invisalign® Treatment Teen Testimonials

invis is smiling with confidence.

“In less than a year, my smile has changed so much, and I feel ten times more confident now.”1
- Symonne

invis is less painful than braces.2

“Another reason why I love my Invisalign aligners is because they’re way less painful than braces.”
- Alejandro

invis is less painful than braces.2

“Another reason why I love my Invisalign aligners is because they’re way less painful than braces.”
- Alejandro

Hear why so many choose Invisalign aligners.1

More than 19 million people around the world have transformed their smile.3



Talk to an Invisalign-trained provider today.

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  1. Patients were compensated for their time. Opinions are their own.
  2. In a survey of patients age 13-18 rating on a scale of 1-9, with 1 as 'extremely painful' and 9 as 'not at all painful', traditional metal braces patients (n=141) rated 5.1, while Invisalign patients (n=106) rated pain lower at 6.5. The same traditional metal braces patients (n=141) rated 5.5 on a scale of 1-9, with 1as 'not at all comfortable' and 9 as 'very comfortable’, while Invisalign patients (n=106) rated comfort higher at 7.1 Data on file at Align Technology, December 28, 2022.
  3. Data on file at Align Technology, as of December 31, 2024